Anyway...guess who's UCSI's gorgeous new student?? ..hehehe..yeap...that's me alrite!! Actually not really legal yet.. am still an intruder..hehe.. will probably be registering next week..after my FOUNDATION results from UTAR..which is like taking AGES!! ..I've never been so impatient waiting for my results...only that.. I wanna get settled in!!.. hmmm..
I hope I didnt have to say this.. but first day was.. not so AWESOME..neither was it DREADFUL!! .. which good be a thing i guess..I only attended one class today.. a class called VISUAL COMMUNICATION..
My social skills is a BIG NO NO!! .. I scanned through their faces..hoping to find at least ONE friendly gesture.. well there was a few..but I still cant get rid of the word SHY!!.. It's like I'm having a pressured water balloon in my throat.. and I don't want it to I refrain from breathing a word!!...This is the part..where I wish I had my sisters gift.. She can talk to ANYONE!! ...She just goes forward..and say.."hi" ..looks simple..but why is it so hard for me??..hmmm
I only manage to make friends with the girl next to me.. She happened to be from UTAR as well..=)
Hmm what else...
Oh yeah...I met a few of church friends..not from HFC..and also some LNL peeps..
And the library is huge!!..unlike's flooded with people.. no joke!! ..hehe..
Ok I'm running out of ideas on what to blog..and its starting to get pretty lame..hehe
So guess I should end it here..
oh wait!!..did i mention..that I'm stuck with drawing AGAIN?!.. its like a DEJAVU!! ..i've seen it all happen..and its HAPPENING AGAIN!! ..and this time..its not gonna be so nice as the previous.. why cant the world understand??..ME AND ARTS..NEVER GOT ALONG..!!..
or maybe.. I'm just over-reacting.. who knows..I might take DAVINCI'S place..become the NEXT famous artist..hehe
which I should say..I plan on THINKING POSITIVE this year..NO MORE I CAN'T!!'s gonna be..I'LL TRY!! ..hehehee..yeah big difference..
"What's meant to be..WILL ALWAYS FIND AWAY TOGETHER!!" ..I know its unrelated to my post.. but I just felt like posting it..hehehe.. so guess..i should quit worrying about.. "IT'S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.." ..
No idea what I'm talking about??
That's the whole point..hehe..=p
have a nice day people..and please keep praying that God will show mercy and grant peace.. to those who intent to cause a turmoil in Malaysia..due to the word "Allah" ...
I shall not start on that..or else I most probably wont be sleeping..hehe
Take care..god bless!!

now i ony know tat u go UCSI! which UCSI are you in??