I cant seem to get that song out of my mind.. I dont know who sang it..and whats the title.. but that's the beginning of the chorus I think..hehe..only remember that particular line.. I always have this problem.. in not remembering the "title" ..=( and now..my PC speakers are not working.. really torturing..already been a month.. any my ears are less sensitive to songs already..which is realllllyyy a bad thing!!...='(
Sigh..I'm beginning to wonder..
Did I really make the right decision in going to UCSI??..cause..I don't really feel belonged there.. It's so different when I'm in UTAR.. although those public transportation and useless management was getting into my nerves..the people there..are extremely nice.. though I annoy them to the max..the still want me in!! =D hmm...how can I explain this.. OH YES!!..its like a piece of jigsaw puzzle.. you have to find the piece with right size and shape..to fit in the other piece..to complete the picture..=) Get it??
Not to say people in UCSI comes in alienated shapes and sizes..they're nice.. Just that.. I feel something is so wrong somewhere.. like its all too fake.. like a drama..that somehow I feel the director made a really bad choice in offering me this part..lol..cause I seriously suck at it..*some big time actress..* ..hehe.. its like I'm a whole different person when I'm with them..hmm
Or perhaps its just me.. who needs to loosen the grip a bit..and not be too judgmental.. hmmm.. and the 'emo' feeling is coming back!!..sigh.. but why??...
Yikes..lets change topic.. My assignment for this week.. I'm suppose to write an essay.. the topic I chose wass "my most embarrassing moment.." ..hehe..yeah tell me about it.. I have been through a lot of humiliation..and now its hard to make a choice..hehe.. but I have one mind.. and even if I were given a choice to go out on a date with TAYLOR LAUTNER..I'M NEVER GOING THROUGH IT AGAIN!!..its way to embarrassing.. but but..its TAYLOR LAUTNER!!... Come on!!..its not everyday you get to go out..with the HAWTEST DUDE ever!!..=p.. and who knows..it could be love at first sight...hahahahahaha...*back to earth, back to earth..Juan!!* .. lol.. I dream way toooo much..=(
anyway..moms nagging about studying AGAIN!!.. I dont get it!!..its only the first week of class!!.. I need to get use to the studying atmosphere, you see.. been away from the books for the past month.. I barely know how to read..what more hold the pencil.. hhahahaha... oh NOO!! ..I'm back to the crapping mood again... I hate myself for this..=(
Guess just about it.. have some serious 'life-catching-up" moment to do..=p
Good night dear bloggers!!..=D

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