hmmm..I have absolutely nothing to blog about today.. everything stays the same.. Had a few weird dreams today...had been living a weird life lately.. I can't sleep at night!!... then in the morning.. I can't wake up!! ..sigh..
I've been thinking of chocolates lately.. milk chocolates..peanut chocolate.. white chocolate.. bitter chocolate.. cheese chocolate..chocolate ice cream...
then guess what??..i received this!!
THE CHOCOLATE BOXES ARE EDIBLE TOOO!! heheeh..amazing huh??..
anyway..I remember watching this movie..called.."just deserts" in hallmark channel.. where the guy proposed her by putting the RING inside the chocolate edible box!! but she didnt fall in love with him..or agreed to marry him.. she fell in love with the CHOCOLATE..and the guy who made the chocolate!!..hehehe..its a bit complicated to explain it here.. you should watch it yourself!!... nice movie..=)
sigh...i just wasted my time uploading some useless stuffs rite??..
way to go Juan...another 'intelligent' post..argh..
well..well at know I'm a chocolate yeah..some big time discovery..hehe
I'll call it a nite!!..
take care..god bless!!
p/s I'm a bit abnormal..when the heart is restless..and the mind is tangled!!..=S

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