To whom??...hehehehe... *ehem..ehem* ...thats my lil secret..=)
- I don't care what you do..or doing..or about to do..
- I don't care if your thinking of me or not..
- I don't care if someone else is standing by your side..
- I don't care..if the next SMS I receive whether or signed by your name..
- I'm not gonna think of every song I listen too..
- I will stop tossing and turning all night..the moment you appear on my mind..
- I will stop smiling to myself..when I .....*this part is erased*
- I will not think of you anymore...
THERE!!...I finally said it... now if only..I can DO it!!..
haizz..what a bad liar am I... knowing I can't..thinking I CAN!!
It kinda sucks rite..when you have a lot to say..but you cant breathe a word to that person.. its even worse..when you're dying to know..whats on their mind.. but they keep you a damm YO-YO on their finger!!... if kinda hurts too.. when you cant do nothing about it but only wish the best for them...sigh.. worries.. I miss being yeah...
take care..

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