Sunday, January 24, 2010

wonderously different..

weird...either my blog is like really good..or you guys are damm actually view my lifeless blog..when I'm literally on a blog strike!..hehehe.. 25 views today..hmmm.. yeap yeap.. I'll go for the second choice as well.. =)

Anyway I realize...why quit doing something I like..just cause my life's messed up?? ..I mean who knows..a car might run over me..or UCSI building might get burnt down tomorrow..and the next thing I family is doing the funeral arrangements for me... and I might as well grant my sis's wish to play the song "SHOWERS OF BLESSING" for my funeral..and also for my EULOGY..where she's determined to say..."FINALLY SHE'S GONE..!" thats why..I wanna leave my thoughs..and nonsense case..anyone misses me or

I'm crapping again aren't I??..=(

argh..I also decided to blog let you guys know..that I'm PERFECTLY fine!! ..cause yes..I did have a few comments asking whether.."am I alrite??" ..and when I asked..'y??" ..they say..I read your
But seriously..thanks for the concern..*you know who you are* fine!!..never better infact!!

I'm done with all my assignments..though i'm half-hearten.. to know whats in store tomorrow.. I'm gonna walk in that door..determine to go forward..put the weight of the WORLD on His shoulders.. stick it WITH PERMANENT UHU GLUE!!.. couldn't careless about how I look and what I wear..with the biggest smile on my face.. and I'm gonna make the day worthwhile!!..HOW??..hehehe..that's the best part of life isnt it.. you have got no idea whats gonna happen.. still YOU HAVE NO CHOICE but to play along.. and its up to YOU to make it interesting or...NOT!! ..yeah..I'm gonna make the rest of my life LIKE HEAVEN!! ... I dont know how..but I'm gonna do it!!...lame..i know..hehe..but hey..its my life your talking deal with it!!..=)

By the way..some..erm..someone with a wide VOCAB and unpredictable thinking..came up with another word for WEIRD since I was complaining..its the ONLY word..people use to DESCRIBE ME so from now on..I'M NOT WEIRD..I'm just.."WONDEROUSLY DIFFERENT!!" ..hehehe.. Yes I like it..very much!! .. a word which is labelled as NEGATIVE..could sound soooo...erm..UNIQUE.. thank God for vocabs!!..and of cause..for that 'someone' too..=)

But that doesnt mean..I have to go on..with this weird thinking of mine.. hmm..its not like I asked for it..its just that..its already there!!... I didnt develop it on my own.. lol.. ok ok..I'll stop now..

ok...enough craps for today!!

dont worry..the blogging strike is over!!..=)
I have no choice..a part of me is empty..when I dont rant..

take care..god bless..


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