And Ms Lilian asked us to write a paragraph on "how do you define love..?" ...
Interesting..I thought..and was so eager to idea why..but I have a feeling I know a lot about love...and am a really big fan of it..=).. Where in actual fact..I happen to be very unlucky in that particular department..sigh...but its ok..I know my time aint here yet!! patiently I'll wait.. to be the missing piece in someones life..=)...LOL..but then..I couldn't help but this sentence is determined to stay on my mind..."she's just a teen!!..what does she know about..L-O-V-E??"...
Well...true indeed.. what did I know about LOVE..?? ...but still..I took out my pen and paper.. And begin..."Love is..." ...then I went blank again.. apparently my brain chose that particular have a 'BRAIN FREEZE' ...i couldn't think..of the proper words.. Its like..a part of me..rejects this WEIRD FEELING.. I could hear..Sam saying.."love is friendship" .. I agreed.. but there was soo much more than much deeper..
I was still cracking my head..when something appeared on my mind... take a look on top!! I wrote down.."LOVE IS LIKE A ROSE.. beautiful they say..but only the thorns know the hurt it carries... Yet the hands that created a whole new meaning to love.." ...=)..and I added.. Love is beyond cannot be seen..only felt deep withing!!" ...
hehehe.. i was thanking my blog then...=)
and crazy friends.. oh yeah..I forgot to introduce them... will do so in my next post!!..=) ..when ms lilian asked a volunteer to read it out aloud.. they quickly put up my hand.. sigh.. and you know me... I'm like the.."suffer in silence" kinda type... publicity is not how i get people's but i didnt have any my hand was already up in air.. so with a trembling voice... I read mine aloud.. and hehehe... i heard a round of applause!!... lol.. not bad ar??... and ms lilian...commented.. it was very original..straight from the heart..=)
of cause it is... then I realized...I already know what love is... I was born out of love.. healed out of love.. why even..saved out of love..and indeed..that's how the story begun... and I carry a responsibility spread that those who has got no idea..what love is about...=)
and I think you share the same responsibility as well..=)
have a nice day!!..

aww juan! *huggies wuggies* -sudha-