Anyway a lot happen today.. like how I saw the wrong timing..and ended up in the wrong venue..realize they changed the VENUE!!..arghh not to mention..had to walk all the the 4th floor..for about 3 times..I refused to use the I THOUGHT I was late.. and wanted to do some exercise..=p.. entered the wrong class..once again had everyone's eyes on me..quickly left the class..with the sweetest and most embarrassing smile I ever had..=D..promise myself to bang my head when I reach home....and to top it all.. I HAVE MY FIRST DRAWING ASSIGNMENT!! ..interesting day..isnt it??..hehe
I have this subject called EXPIRATORY WRITING..and so my 19 years of life..I think this is far most my FAVORITE SUBJECT!! ..because..firstly, it doesn't involves any research or any assignment crap..NO FACTS!!..Just plain writing..about your own opinions, feelings and thoughts!! ..weeeeeeee!!..seeee...sometimes among the 'bad' things that occurred..there is surely some good left..though its not that BIG..its just ENOUGH to make my day!!!! ..hehe
So since I missed the first class.. the students are suppose to write about.."MY IDEAL PARTNER AND ICE CREAM!!" ..=P whereby I'm suppose to describe my ideal partner..through an ice-cream..hehe..weird..but lets try!! Since its an I have to use proper English.. I'll make it sound as interesting as possible..=)
Ice-cream seems to be every child's heavenly dream. It was mine too. Being an ordinary over sized little girl, my heart used to skip a beat every time I hear the ice-cream vendor with his incredibly cute hon passing by in front of my house. My mom, being the normal 'mom' never gave in to my pleas. "You'd catch a cold!", she would say even after I got down on my knees and threaten her with my crocodile tears.
What is it about that one cone or stick, covered with a scoop of frozen cream that seem to mesmerized almost every eyes that fell on it? In my opinion, I think an ice-cream doesn't carry a value if it only looks delicious on the outside but tasteless on the inside. For example, the famous 'Walls Cornetto' Ice-cream is not only every child's dream but also adults. The taste of the plain vanilla cream, coated with delicious triangle shaped chocolate and topped with nuts can be extremely mouth watering to everyone, even those who dislikes ice-cream. And after tasting it, you know that RM2.80 is worth it.
My ideal partner definitely cost a lot more than just an ice-cream but has to have the same qualities as this favorite food of mine.
Firstly, just as ice-cream has made every child smile, he has to make me smile as well. It's really not that hard considering the fact that I laugh for every single thing. Secondly, an ice-cream has no use if it only looks sumptuous on the packaging but taste gross when it enters your mouth. A guy has to be pure in the heart as beauty comes from within. Physical beauty may fade in time to come but a beautiful heart holds its beauty forever. Thirdly and most importantly, my partner must love God more than he loves me, just as the ice-cream loves the money more compared to the ones who eats it. Fourthly, ice-cream loves children and so must my partner. Fifthly, which is a bit different from ice-cream, my partner should never leave me although I'm down with a cold. Lastly, an ice-cream seems to melt like crazy when I'm with it, my ideal partner should melt ever more when he's with me.
As a conclusion, he has to make my heart skip a beat although my mom forbids it. It's not easy to find a soul mate with the perfect packaging but its also not impossible. Love can only be defined when the right person comes along.
What is it about that one cone or stick, covered with a scoop of frozen cream that seem to mesmerized almost every eyes that fell on it? In my opinion, I think an ice-cream doesn't carry a value if it only looks delicious on the outside but tasteless on the inside. For example, the famous 'Walls Cornetto' Ice-cream is not only every child's dream but also adults. The taste of the plain vanilla cream, coated with delicious triangle shaped chocolate and topped with nuts can be extremely mouth watering to everyone, even those who dislikes ice-cream. And after tasting it, you know that RM2.80 is worth it.
My ideal partner definitely cost a lot more than just an ice-cream but has to have the same qualities as this favorite food of mine.
Firstly, just as ice-cream has made every child smile, he has to make me smile as well. It's really not that hard considering the fact that I laugh for every single thing. Secondly, an ice-cream has no use if it only looks sumptuous on the packaging but taste gross when it enters your mouth. A guy has to be pure in the heart as beauty comes from within. Physical beauty may fade in time to come but a beautiful heart holds its beauty forever. Thirdly and most importantly, my partner must love God more than he loves me, just as the ice-cream loves the money more compared to the ones who eats it. Fourthly, ice-cream loves children and so must my partner. Fifthly, which is a bit different from ice-cream, my partner should never leave me although I'm down with a cold. Lastly, an ice-cream seems to melt like crazy when I'm with it, my ideal partner should melt ever more when he's with me.
As a conclusion, he has to make my heart skip a beat although my mom forbids it. It's not easy to find a soul mate with the perfect packaging but its also not impossible. Love can only be defined when the right person comes along.
I was trying my best to not laugh..cause it just seem so weird without my double dots and "LOL" and "HAHAHAHA" , my seriously.. I'm so used to writing these stuffs..hope my formal writing norms still exist!!..hehe
anyway..I got to go get started with my drawings.. ttyl..=)
p/s ...the application now has been re-open after months and months of construction.. so anyone interested..kindly get the application form and fill it up!!..dont forget to que up..cutting lines will be terminated IMMEDIATELY!! may the best win!! hurry up!! ...=p ..hehehehe..
ok ok..i'll stop being vain and cut the crap.hehe..
and was just kidding k!!..=p
take care!!
anyway..I got to go get started with my drawings.. ttyl..=)
p/s ...the application now has been re-open after months and months of construction.. so anyone interested..kindly get the application form and fill it up!!..dont forget to que up..cutting lines will be terminated IMMEDIATELY!! may the best win!! hurry up!! ...=p ..hehehehe..
ok ok..i'll stop being vain and cut the crap.hehe..
and was just kidding k!!..=p
take care!!

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