I'm pretty famous in these kinda stuffs..whereby the castle came tumbling down.. sigh..argh.. I dont know.. I don't know what am I doing.. I have no idea..where the road is taking me.. I have no idea..if the storm is gonna stop its nonsense.. I have no idea if I'm gonna survive tomorrow.. but I know one thing..
In the still cold night..
Through the wildest beast..
Beneath the shadows of darkness..
I stand alone..
Up the mountains..
Where the wind takes its throne..
Where the stones claim its territory..
I stand alone..
Through the raging waters..
The angry waves..
In the storm..
I stand alone..
Yes I am still standing alone...
I stand alone..
On the palm on my creator..
I stand alone..
On His wings..together with the sun..
Laughing at the darkness beneath..
I stand high up...
On the mountains..
Answering to HIS cries..
For He claims I am HIS..
I stand still..
Like the calm water in the lake..
For though the storm shows her strength
I'll show her..my one and only strength..
The ONE who never ever left me ALONE!!..=)
I'm starting college tomorrow..hmm.. nope.. not at all in the mood.. dont ask!..pretty long story..
But my point is.. you may feel alone..may feel like.."what in the world am I doing with my life..??" well... take a look around.. feel the wind... the water.. the sun..give a smile to the moody lady across the street.. bless the guy who overtook you... stop complaining and start considering.. keep on laughing though you hurt deeply within.. you know your doing pretty well in your life..when you made someone SMILE!!.. You might be alone.. but not lonely..
If at all you feel lonely.. talk.. yes just crap anything to HIM!!..it helps..=)..it really does..
have a nice night!!..and keep smiling for Jesus loves you!!

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