I'm an officially registered student in UCSI!!...weeee!!..and the trials I endured to complete my registration..is BEYOND description!!..haiz..I had to return to UTAR about 3 times wei!!.. *Dont ask!!* I'm hating myself for that...more than my mom and sis hates me..: mom for wasting the petrol..and sis for driving me there!!..sigh.. But I'm glad that it has ended!!..=)
Thank You Lord..though I was "that" close to "snapping.." ..thank You for assuring me that its gonna be alright..and letting me trust You completely.. instead of taking things into my own hands..and yes..You do work things in Your own time..=)
Anyway was really really busy the past few days.. I'm sure jacynta is probably on her way to rip me off into pieces..for NOT replying her MESSAGES!!.. Girl, when you get the chance to read this..I'M SOOOO ExTREMELY SORRY!!..I know you still love me no matter what!!..and LOVE YA TOO!!..=D
One more thing... I wanna watch PARANORMAL ACTIVITY!! ..already download it..but I dont dare watch it alone!!..lol.. I like horror movies..but I dont dare watch it with my eyes open.hehe.. really.. when the demon or monster..or ghost comes out.. I close my ears..and eyes..lol.. crazy I know...and then at night..I'd be ruining my bed..by turning left and right..CAUSE I CANT SLEEP!!.. and still..I love watching Horror movies.. But I think I'll watch it at the cinema first..before watching at home..=)
Anyway..7 churches in 3 days!!..
Dear Lord..
At your dying breath..you still found the courage to say.."Father, forgive them..they do not know what they're doing.."..
And so..I humbly bow down..and plead to you..to forgive them..for they do not know what they're doing..
And please Lord.. help me not embarrassed myself in my first official day in UCSI tomorrow..which is quite impossible.. still.. if I do..will You promise to stay with me till the end..??=( ..its less stressful.. when You're not in it alone..=)
Have a nice day people!!..
and continue praying for this damaged country..

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