So let's start with 31st of December 2009.. THANKSGIVING MASS in HFC was at 8 pm..meaning it should be done by 10 pm ..and I've no idea on where to go for the countdown.. Hmm..You have to agree with me.. staying at home..for NEW YEAR'S such a sad thing.. No life.. i mean no offence to those who did it..but ITS NEW YEAR!! ..your suppose to go like 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!..WEEEEEEEEEE!!.. lol..then go all around church and wish all your friends/family.. face to face.. hug all of them!!.. XD
So yeah..I was begging my mom to go FATIMA'S in brickfields..firstly cause I like the priest there..and secondly cause part of my cousins are there!!..hehe but NOPE!!.. thanks to my sis who invited her friends the next mom has to start the cooking..that night itself...
My sis already had plans for new year's eve..and no gonna be stuck at so I called cynta, asking whats her plans..and I decided to go to her church for NEW YEAR'S!! ..Jacynta goes to St Katherine's Anglican front of Metro Plaza Hotel.. very near to HFC.. and surprisingly..I was allowed to take the car..hehe..actually my driving is not that bad.. just when people are around..I tend to get everything goes haywire lol.. *this is for HFC youths* ..hehe.. they claimed I gave them a heart attack..when I drove all 6 of them to CHERAS watch
So yeah..drove to her church..just on time.. Though i just saw her before Christmas..but it was like..high school again.. we were hugging each other..and she was checking out my punjabi costume..and i was giving her the look.."are you blind??.." ..i bought this when i was 15!!..FIFTEEN!! ..seriously..i had nothing to wear..=( but who cares..hehe!!..I know I look good in anything..=p...and cynta looked gorgeous.. i loved her punjabi costume..and her hair do..=D see why i like being a girl?? you get to DRESS, dress and DRESSS!!..=p
Since, my best friend was in the choir..and so was I.. which reminds me..of the time we use to SING!!..together in BIO, CHEM & Phy lab!! ..ok keluar tajuk d..and dont let me start on that..i'd probably need another hour of she has to sit in the choir..which means..i have to sit alone..=( ..but it wasnt that bad la..i kinda knew most of the people there.. been to her church a few times..and she introduced me to almost everyone!!..hehe..
So i sat near the window..on some corner.. wanted to remain low profile.. hehe.. i was reading the bulletin.. was looking for a friendly smile at..hehe..when suddenly my EYES FEEL ON SOMETHING GORGEOUS!!.. was way more than gorgeous..!! though i only saw the back.. i could already the front looks!!.. hehe.. it was a him!!.. a him..whom i never came across ..i was can cynta not tell me..that theres an awesomely cute guy that goes to her church!!..hmmm
The Anglican service is no much difference from the catholic's.. infact i knew almost all the song the sang..and also the order of our mass.. is pretty much the same.. and the pastor's preaching was good..=)
So after the service.. there were fireworks.. hehe.. it could have been beautiful if i didnt take almost half an hour wearing my heels.. another reason why i hate wearing heels.. =( but i had no choice..cause my pants was too long.. and was giving the floor a free cleaning..hehe.. which reminds me..what happen to my growth system..since i was 15??..haiz..
anyway..the moment i saw cyn..wished her happy new year..and i asked.."dei whos that guy..??" .. and she was like.."which guy?"..i said..erm.."that guy"..for a moment..i had brain freeze..on how to describe she laughed and said..."that guy that sat on the right..huh?.. the one with the glasses..??" ..i was like..YEAH!! kinda have the same taste in the definition of CUTE GUY..!!..hehe..ok..most of the time..=p
He happen to be the pastors son.. and studies in UK..he came back for the holidays.. and cynta said.. "almost every girl thinks he's cute!!..but he's from UK dei.." our language it means.."DREAM ON!!..HE WONT EVEN GLANCE IN OUR DIRECTION!!" ..hehe.. which i have to agree la.. the dude in magnificently cute.. what in the world got me thinking he's gonna look at a girl who still wears her 15 year old punjabi costume..not to mention my hair was extremely wild that i just washed it..and i was kinda feeling sweaty!!..hmm..not really a good day to check out
So i continued talking to cynta..all our endless stories.. we were talking something bout piercing.. and i was telling her my johore stories.. she's the only one..who seems to laugh like crazy at everything i say and
I was looking at her..and suddenly..her face changed..but she continued talking.. the next thing i knew.. a sweet voice said.."Happy New year" ..i saw a hand brought forward..and when I looked up to see the face..I swear my heart stopped beating!! ..IT WAS HIM!!! was really HIM!! ..I was starring at him like an idiot..for like 3 SECONDS!! ..when a voice reminded me to "breathe"..another voice said.."say something!!" .. I think I smiled.. and tried to find the sweetest voice possible..but guess it got stuck somewhere along the way..for I sounded like i was croaking!! wished him through my sweaty palms..
The cutest guy ever existed came and wished me..and there was I..smiling like a fool... in my 15 year old punjabi costume.. with my oily face.. my hair was out of control.. I didnt even know..if i had enough gloss on!!..hehe..*typical girl*..
And after that..i tried to act normal.. cynta continued her story.. after a few seconds.. she burst out laughing.. gosh..SHE KNOWS ME TOO WELL!!.. hehehe.. of cause I joined her.. i cant help it.. lol.. we were laughing like crazy.. she almost rolled on the me.. when cynta laughs.. it's like an earthquake thats gonna take place.. she'll start banging people all..hehe..=p and after catching our breath..and coming back to earth..where normal people lives..she said.. "dei, he's never done that..never came forward and spoke to anyone.." lol... trust me..even in my tanned could see me blushing..hehe..
Yup..i had thousands of butterflies..all over my stomach.. my eyes was literally glowing.. and even before i started building the castle in the clouds...a big tornado"But he's a playboy..!!" ..cynta said.. i'm like WHAT??!! ..oh dear.. and he thought I could fit it one of his toys??!! ..oh no no..WRONG NUMBER!! ..he has got no idea who's he dealing with..
But patheticla.. why do the ones with the cute face who has to be such jerks??.. because they're cute!! they think they can get anyone they want.. yikes,, how immature.. lol.. this people should get real..and get a life..
Tapi takpe.... love happens..when you least expect...=p so yeah..hehe
Hmmm.. so hows my story..??..hehe.. again..i'll post something intelligent next time..=)
have a nice day..

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