Berita utama hari ini..:
I'm on a blog STRIKE!! know it doesn't exist..its something I came up on my own.. I wanna long can I go..without blogging!!..and facebooking..erm..maybe only blogging la... we try one one...hehehe... facebook comes later k!!... you cannot deprive the drug addict one SHOT you see...its all the little steps that brings you on top of the mountain...not one BIG LEAP!! =)
Berita sukan hari ini..:
I sooooo need to get my work done..halfway completing my proposal.. and then have to start on my DRAWING MARATHON..rather than screwing up my life in this one page here!!... yeap!!...She strikes revealing her deepest and darkest secret..dayyymmmnn!!! ...
Ajaran moral pada hari ini..:
When is she gonna learn her lesson?? cyn gave me the answer.."Kau masih tak faham-faham sampai sekarang ni!!..dia itu sama je..macam 'male' lain!!" ...hehehe... we wanted to polish out BM you see..=p
Sabarlah menunggu berita seterusnya..:
anyway..the blog striking..starts right after this post..=)
wish me luck!!...hehehehe...
terima kasih..dan salam menonton
p/s Lord, thank you for waking me up from dreams!!..=)

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